Claiming Home Office Expenses: Read This First

Working from home has its benefits and drawbacks, but whether you love it or hate it, there is an upside

The Top 6 Dos & Don’ts in Bookkeeping for Restaurant Owners

Running a restaurant often means putting out fires left and right (sometimes literally), which can mean things like bookkeeping get

How to Know If You’re a Personal Services Business & What That Means for Your Taxes

There are over 1.2 million small businesses in Canada, but many of these could actually be personal services businesses. This

What You Should Know About Receipts and Record Keeping for Your Business

While it might seem tedious, the truth is that you’re required by law to keep accurate business records of your

Choosing a Salary vs. Dividends: Here’s What You Should Know

As a small business owner, you’ve probably wondered whether it’s more beneficial to pay yourself a salary vs. dividends. But

The Pros and Cons of Incorporating Your Business

Thinking about incorporating your business? It’s a big decision. After all, it will govern how your business will operate in